Prosthetic arm helps 10-year-old feel like a superhero

10 year old feels like a superhero thanks to Robotic Arm

What an heartwarming story on Reuters Technology about a 10 year old who has received a Robotic Arm.

Robotics and Bio-mechanics is an expanding field of technology, that has the potential of addressing many day-to-day challenges specially if it can be merged with Machine Learning.

Ten-year-old Zachary Pamboukas is one of five children in the United States who have spent the last year or so testing the first version of a prosthetic arm made by Limbitless.

Cutting edge science like Robotics is not considered affordable for everyday use, but this is changing fast as more and more start-ups are venturing into this domain.

Especially if technologies such as “intelligent prosthetic” becomes more and more common, it will reduce production costs and make this tech more mainstream.

Last but not the least, tech like this needs to be affordable and mainstream enough to be considered by everyone – everywhere.

I try to blog about AI, Robotics and Bio-Mechanics news on my website, one for referencing back when you are writing something or researching, and two to share with everyone.

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To check the original story Click here

Mani Masood

A respected ICT professional, with 18 years of industry experience. Mr. Masood has affiliations with esteemed and prestigious societies that promote advancement and research in technology - the likes of New York Academy of Sciences and the IEEE – Computer and Information Theory Society.

Mani Masood

A respected ICT professional, with 18 years of industry experience. Mr. Masood has affiliations...