Flying vehicle touted as Southern California traffic tonic

Flying cars to solve California traffic jams!

California traffic jams have been notorious as far back as I can remember.  Now this interesting news video claims that flying cars to solve California traffic jams.

Developers unveiled a hover craft billed as the first flying vehicle to be powered by hydrogen fuel cells on Wednesday in Southern California, in a show-and-tell that raised some eyebrows but never left the ground.

Drone Taxi is an up and coming area of science and technology that can redefine how we do our daily work and interact with technology.

What surprises me the most, that we are willing to try flying cars before we would give public transport a chance. A well developed and planned train, subway or even bus network can solve a lot of pollution, congestion and even health related issues.

I mean seriously – flying cars to solve California traffic jams!

User practicality and user experience is a common challenge that new technologies face. Making something new work is challenging itself but to make it friendly and integrated enough that users can benefit from it seamlessly is even a bigger challenge.

Drones and autonomous vehicles is one areas where Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Computing is converging to solve safety and user experience issues.

What I am more interested to learn is if this is a short lived fad or does this actually have any potential for mass adoption. Most importantly can it be monetized in a profitable manner?

It is enchanting how this technology is evolving and impacting our lives.

I try to write about science and technology related developments on my website, one for referencing back when you are writing something or researching, and two to share with everyone.

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To check the original story Click here

Mani Masood

A respected ICT professional, with 18 years of industry experience. Mr. Masood has affiliations with esteemed and prestigious societies that promote advancement and research in technology - the likes of New York Academy of Sciences and the IEEE – Computer and Information Theory Society.

Mani Masood

A respected ICT professional, with 18 years of industry experience. Mr. Masood has affiliations...