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NASA Crew-1 returns home

That “Wow” moment is what Technology is all about. And so is this interesting technology news video highlighting NASA Crew-1 returns home among other interesting news stories from the week.

NASA Crew-1 returns home in a night landing attempted after many decades. Generally people do not consider the fact that NASA is not only in the business of Space they are also in the business of software development. To write quality code that does the work in a safe and secure manner is the most important mission that NASA undertakes on daily basis.


User practicality and user experience is a common challenge that new technologies face. Making something new is challenging itself but to make it friendly and integrated enough that users can benefit from it seamlessly is even a bigger challenge.

The SpaceX and NASA partnership is a classic example of that. I must say that NASA Crew-1 outfits are much more minimalistic and futuristic looking for sure.

Many organizations are now focusing on humancentric tech, and that is not costly.

What I am more interested to learn is if this is just short lived craze or does this actually have any potential for businesses to adopt. Most importantly can it be monetized?

Especially if technologies such as this becomes more and more common and can me mass marketed, it will drive down costs and improve products adoption.

It is interesting how this is evolving and impacting our lives.

I try to write about science and technology related developments on my website, one for referencing back when you are writing something or researching, and two to share with everyone.

If you like this story you should check out some of the other stories in the science section

If you are a tech enthusiast and feel that you can contribute to this topic feel free to reach out to me.

To check the original story Click here


Mani Masood

A respected ICT professional, with 18 years of industry experience. Mr. Masood has affiliations...