Alibaba's new hotel runs on robot hospitality

New Alibaba hotel has robots for guest service

This is a good article that I saw on Reuters.

Robotics is an expanding field of science, that has the potential of changing the way we interact specially when combined with ML and AI.

Featuring human-less check-ins, facial scans and voice-controlled rooms, e-commerce giant Alibaba has unveiled its first “future hotel” in China.

Cutting edge science like this is sometimes thought of as impractical, but this is changing fast as more and more companies are focusing on humancentric tech that is affordable and is suitable for everyday use.

Especially if technologies such as this becomes more and more common, it will cut costs, making tech more mainstream.

What I am more interested to learn is if this is a fad or does this actually have any potential for businesses to adopt. Most importantly can it be mass-produced?

Given the quality of Robots in the video they look like plastic RC Cars then AI powered Robots. Nonetheless, they are working and providing the service.

Now the big question is, what implications will this have on employment. So far Robotics have effected manufacturing and service industry was deemed safe from any major disruptive impact. However, it seems that major organizations are now considering developing technologies that will change the service industry as well.

Last but not the least, many new tech initiatives and products are increasingly targeted towards small businesses, yet more still needs to be done.

It is fascinating how this tech is evolving and impacting our lives.

I try to post tech articles on my website, one for referring back to when you are writing something or researching, and two to share with everyone.

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To check the original story Click here

Mani Masood

A respected ICT professional, with 18 years of industry experience. Mr. Masood has affiliations with esteemed and prestigious societies that promote advancement and research in technology - the likes of New York Academy of Sciences and the IEEE – Computer and Information Theory Society.

Mani Masood

A respected ICT professional, with 18 years of industry experience. Mr. Masood has affiliations...